242424 is 75 75 Percent of What Number?

242424 is 75 75 75 percent of what number

If there are 24 members in a band, what percentage of that number is 75? You can figure out the answer with the help of a strip diagram. Strip diagrams represent numbers from one to one hundred percent. In this case, 24 is 75 percent of the band’s total members. In other words, twenty-four is seventy-five percent of the total band members. Alternatively, you can find the answer using a pie chart.

24 is 75 percent of the total number of band members

What is the answer to the question “24 is the same as 75 percent of the total number of band members?” The answer is two-thirds: twenty-four plus eight is seventy-five percent of twenty-four. Thus, two-thirds of twenty-four is equal to thirty-two. And so on. How many band members does a two-piece symphonic band have?

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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