Better Together Branch of the MCPE 1.2 Beta Apk

The Better Together update branch of the MCPE 1.2 beta apk brings a lot of variety to the game. It adds things like fireworks, armor stands, colored glass, and parrots. It also includes a new interface that makes the task of playing the game much easier. Additionally, this version of the game features refined blocks and guards, and game optimization. It also has new behaviors for guards, such as obstructing your passage and eliminating intruders.

The Better Together update also brings new features like Xbox Live for Android. You can also play multiplayer games on different platforms with your friends. This new version also adds new music and new items. Moreover, this version also has cross-platform multiplayer, which means you can play it on PC and Mac. You can even play with other players from different continents! These are just a few reasons to try out the Minecraft PE 1.2 beta apk for Android!

Besides, the newest beta version includes new features that are not present in the final version. It’s a good opportunity to test the game before its official release in June. Although it’s a beta build, there are still a few tweaks and bug fixes.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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