How to Avoid an Error When Supplying a Discrete Value to Continuous Scale

If you want to show a continuous scale, but have a discrete value on the “y” axis, you need to ensure that the first position on the scale is continuous. You can do this by supplying a list of numeric values in the scale function instead of a discrete value.

The problem is caused by a simple coding error. Luckily, this error is easy to fix. Just make sure to use the right method when creating your graph. The following examples will show you how to do this. To make sure that you use the right function for your data, install the ggplot2 package.

Another way to avoid this error is to use the scale function with position scales. This will ensure that the scale will have a continuous value. However, if you don’t have any continuous values on your position scales, you’ll have an error when plotting the data. The easiest solution is to set up position scales as continuous values and use the scale function to set the value.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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