Valorant Pro Settings: Mouse Sensitivity, Crosshairs and More!

Valorant provides an amazing level of customization for players through the range of settings they can use. Adjusting them for crosshairs or mouse control won’t particularly affect the outcome of actions such as sniper skills as these rely on practice. However, the settings can help make the game appear fluid and smooth running.


As a free to play first-person shooter, Valorant is designed to perform well across a wide range of monitors and equipment. The majority of professional players start out using low-end equipment and customize their settings to match. When they graduate to high-end equipment, they frequently continue with the same settings. What is important is adjusting the Frames per Second (FPS) to around 60 for a smooth visual display. 30 can appear a little disjointed. The standard 1920 x 1080 resolution with a 16:9 aspect ratio is the most popular PC setting.

Mouse Settings

Valorant professionals choose a diverse range of mouse settings from 400 to 800 dpi. The most popular are between 200 and 400 dpi. Generally, a high dpi creates more drag when moving the mouse. However, players with the average dpi of 280 who want to make an agent turn 360° might find they must move the mouse up to 18 inches (46 centimeters). Pro players usually use 0.97 to 1.00 as their ADS and scoped sensitivity settings.

Crosshair Customization

Players are usually very selective over their choice of crosshair. Some prefer it to resemble a small circle while others like a more elaborate version. A new customization feature from Riot Games allows players to access the crosshair codes used by professionals.

Mini Map Size

The mini map is an important part of every player’s armory. It helps show where enemy agents may be hiding and indicates whee they might be going. However, a mini map that’s too small won’t be clear enough to see such details. Many Valorant professionals feel comfortable with their mini map set at 1.1 inches. For a balanced display, adjust the zoom feature to around 0.9″.

Color Settings

Everyone sees color differently, but a bright Valorant visual display usually makes it much easier to identify hazards, equipment and enemies. Many professionals prefer to set the digital vibrance at between 80% and 100%. The majority also use yellow to highlight their enemies instead of red, which is the default setting and harder to see. With a bright, colorful landscape and easy to identify enemy agents, a player’s reactions should be much faster and ultimately lead to greater success.


The settings players use throughout the 1337PRO Valorant schedule rarely change. The best settings rely on personal choice rather than the sophistication of the player’s equipment. It’s very much a process of trial and error, which is probably why many players won’t alter their settings once they have found their favorites.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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