What to Do When You Get eDirectory Error Codes

You’ve probably heard of eDirectory error codes before. If so, you’ll want to know what to do in case of one. These error codes mean one of several things, but the most common is a failed object identifier check. In order to fix the error, you must use the DSRepair utility. Other than that, you might need to login to the tree and remove the attribute. This process can be a bit frustrating.

If you receive this error message, you may be experiencing a database problem. To determine which indexes are inaccessible, you should visit the NetIQ error codes Web page. This Web page provides a list of error codes generated by eDirectory. Many of these error codes are related to the database architecture. If you encounter any of these error messages, contact Novell support and get an updated version of your database.

In most cases, the -613 error is caused by a missing attribute value. Despite the fact that you’ve already set up a placement policy, you might not have defined the “dest-dn” attribute. The driver won’t know where to place a new record or object if it doesn’t have the dest-dn value. The result is an error message with a -613 code.

The -613 code is an indication that the Universal Password for a user is invalid. When the password is invalid, the eDirectory engine can’t decrypt it because it treats any blank spaces as null values. Consequently, troubleshooting should be as thorough as possible. The next time you encounter an eDirectory error, make sure to follow all of the steps mentioned above. You’ll be happy you did!

The bindery API call has failed to locate the specified volume name. The volume may not be mounted. It might be missing in the database, or the application has used an outdated library. Another common cause of eDirectory error codes is that the application has attempted to authenticate with a remote server that doesn’t support IPX packet signatures. It is also possible for the rename operation to fail because the specified directory name contains invalid characters. Lastly, if the server is not responding at all, the application might be trying to register a DS event with an invalid resource tag.

In some cases, you’ll encounter an error code indicating a problem with the NDS. The NDS CRC is different from the checksum. If your NDS identity table is corrupted, the DS cannot properly authenticate the user. To resolve an error, you can try reloading the DS module and restart the server. You can also try standard repair methods like restarting the server or enabling logging on the system.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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