Why David Bolno Focuses on Innovation in the Music Business

Creative and Innovative industries such as filmmaking and music can be quite remunerative. Artists have a vast spectrum to be able to showcase their talents in more ways than one could even wander about. The endless possibilities that come through in the creative field can be a double-edged sword, but the ones who make it through the shackles can transform in becoming the face of the industry. One such icon who was able to hurdle through those obstacles is David Bolno.

David Bolno if one can say is a mastermind of his own. A business manager who has infamously worked with some of the biggest faces in the music industry such as Justin Beiber, Post Malone, and Pharell Williams, focuses on introducing innovative ideas to the music industry. With Drake extending a sense of gratitude to David for his 2011 album ‘Take Care’, there are various things to be learned from the genius.

Bolno has expertise in business structuring and financial planning for major organizations, artists, and production companies. Bolno also shines a light on valuing some of the most integral parts of one’s journey at any stage in life, that is our family and friends. He believes in civic management and advocates for numerous selfless practices such as counseling and mentoring, educational needs, promoting diversity, and educating on entrepreneurship skills.

In this article, we would be reading about some of the key attributes that he has to share with us.

Strengthen Personal Relationships

The key advice that Bolno encourages is that one needs to build, maintain and repair great bonds with family members and close friends. Quoting Bolno “I place great value on building and nurturing personal relationships” really emphasizes how vital family has been playing a role in his ever-evolving career. He aids in believing that expression of affection and support can create a positive and harmonized environment around one, which can assist in creating a supportive network of people that helps enrich personal and professional success.

Unity in Diversity

Bolno expresses the urge that leaders in general must understand the crucial role of including people from various backgrounds to create a healthy, thriving, and ever-evolving society.  A firm believer that equal opportunities should be extended to every single human that shares the will and interest in a particular field. He actively participates in activities and campaigns that promote diversity and battle the unfair prejudice and discrimination that today’s world somehow finds hard to comprehend. Embracing cultures, traditions, and practices encourages a progressive society is something that Bolno truly believes in.  

To Know More of Bolno’s Quotes and Philosophy: Why David Bolno values giving back

Knowledge is to be shared

Knowledge is better when shared. Bolno makes it a point to always share his knowledge and mentor such upcoming and aspiring faces. Sharing insights and knowledge about something you know about should always be supported as these pieces of advice can help the newer generations maintain or create work legacies. His advice helps professionals to navigate through obstacles and issues in various aspects.

Aiding and Philanthropy

Bolno is very active in charitable events, be it through providing financial aid, and resources or actively participating in volunteering or organizing various fundraising events. He believes in giving back to the community that has helped him climb the stairs of such invariable success. By helping him be so successful, he still believes in being selfless towards the people who don’t have the best of opportunities.  

More of his Philanthropy: How David Bolno and Other Successful Business Leaders Approach Philanthropy

Be Original

Artists sometimes tend to forget that they need to be themselves, as any level of success they acquire by imitating or having ideas from an artist who is on paper “more” successful than you would not land you at the peak of your position. Advocate your own stories and understand the value of your ideas. Your ideas are just as good as those of someone you might compare to. Involving your friends and family in this journey can also help you in understanding the best of your strengths and the worst of your weakness.


Quite obvious to know by this point that the music industry in the modern world can be quite a hassle, but by following these words of advice by the mastermind himself, one can push through from the initial stages of building your career. Some might achieve a different level of success overnight and for some it might take years. If you are passionate enough just make sure to always persist for your dreams and goals and you might one day be the face of the music industry.  

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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