DB2 Error Codes

DB2 programs include error processing. If an insert fails because of primary key constraint violation, timeout, or any other reason, the error code is displayed in the SQLCODE field of the SQLCA block. In addition, the SQLERRD(3) field contains the reason-code. Most commonly, these are 00C90088 and 00000000. However, it’s important to note that these errors can occur in any version of DB2.

This error message occurs when the network address is not valid. This problem may occur in IPv6 networks. To solve this issue, you must ensure that your network address is valid for the DB2 server. If you cannot find the corresponding network address, contact the server administrator and client administrator. Otherwise, you may be unable to connect to DB2.

Using a CASE statement may result in an error. Specifically, you can’t change the connection for a CASE statement, and you can’t insert a CASE statement into a table with multiple indices. Additionally, nested compound statements are not permitted. In some cases, the error occurs because a CASE statement contains too many variables. To avoid this problem, it’s necessary to limit the number of statements.

The most common error codes are &1, &3, &4. This means that there was an invalid parameter, alias, or data type in the SQL statement. The SET LOCALE statement cannot be used with NULL indicators or INSENSITIVE cursors. A &2 statement cannot reference an object of type &3, and a clause or keyword named &1 has no valid values.

When an object in the database is unavailable, an SQLCODE -911 is returned. Using this error code is an indication that a resource has been unavailable or that a deadlock has occurred. When this occurs, a program is trying to access a resource in the database. This error usually indicates that a program or process has not issued the automatic rollback. In the DB2 master log, you can see what is holding the resource and what the problem is.

During a query, an object cannot be created or modified using a specified value. This error can occur when a column’s name doesn’t match the alias it’s defined with. Similarly, a column that’s referenced by a subquery cannot be modified by a query. In addition, a cursor can’t modify the table it’s referenced to, and a FOR UPDATE statement cannot modify an object.

In DB2 V8, the INSERT statement must specify the names of the base DB2 tables. Then, verify the data range and data type. If the OBJECT NAME has a datetime value, make sure that it’s correct. Otherwise, you’ll get the error code – DB2 is broken! You have to fix the problem to get it back to working. Just remember to read the SQL Reference Guide.

If a datetime value has an invalid or out-of-range value, you’ll get the SQLCODE (SQLCODE) error code. This indicates that the server encountered an error during execution. The server returned a SQL error. The value you used was invalid or out of range. For example, if the date was incorrectly formatted, the SQLCODE will be -1. In addition to SQLCODE, a datetime value can also result in a warning or error.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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