7+ Types of Research Paper. Different Types of Research Paper

When you get the assignment of writing a research paper, the first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of task you’re dealing with, as well as what the exact requirements are. There are various types of research paper, and the process of writing each of them differs. For this reason, you need to understand how complex each assignment is. This way, it will be easier for you to figure out how much time the writing process will take.

Apart from that, some types of research papers require conducting a proper research study which means that a student is required to allocate a lot of time on this process. Others are all about the student offering their own point of view no matter how controversial it is. One thing is clear: writing a research paper can be challenging and time-consuming. The more prepared you are, the more chances to come up with an impressive and original research paper you have. Thus, your aim should be to stand out from the crowd and submit a paper that your professor is going to be fascinated with. Crafting such a paper is not easy. Yet, it’s doable. You just need to have all the necessary tools to write it.

Different types of research paper

The amount of preparation required to complete each assignment is the main reason why it matters to know what the different types of research paper are. The most common ones include:

  • Analytical research paper. In this paper, one is required to pose a question and gather all relevant data from a variety of researchers as well as analyze their viewpoints and approaches to the issue under consideration.           
  • Argumentative research paper. In this paper, one needs to present two sides of a          controversial issue and provide enough evidence to support each claim.
  • Definition paper. One needs to provide information, facts and objective arguments about a topic in question.
  •  Compare and contrast paper. Two subjects should be analyzed in detail, compared and presented in a way that shows a difference between them.
  •  Experimental research paper. The goal of this paper is to describe a particular experiment in great detail.     
  •  Cause and effect paper. The main aim of writing this paper is to see how well a student can trace probable results of a certain action.        
  • Survey research paper. Here, a student is required to conduct a survey, present their findings in a clear and concise way, as well as analyze them. 
  • Interpretative paper. The goal of this paper is for a student to use already gained knowledge in a certain field and write a paper that interprets the subject matter using theoretical background and valid supporting data.   

What are the different types of sources for a research paper?

When conducting research for a paper, it is important to identify the different types of sources that are available. Sources for research papers can be divided into two main categories: primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are direct sources of information, such as interviews, texts, surveys, and other original research. These are the sources that provide firsthand information about the topic. Primary sources are especially useful when researching topics such as history, literature, and sociology. Secondary sources are sources that use information from other sources. Examples of secondary sources include books, articles, and websites that interpret, analyze, or synthesize information from primary sources. Secondary sources are more likely to be used when researching topics such as science, law, and business. In addition to primary and secondary sources, there are also tertiary sources. Tertiary sources are sources that compile and summarize information from both primary and secondary sources. Examples of tertiary sources include encyclopedias and handbooks. When conducting research for a paper, it is important to remember the different types of sources that are available. By using primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, you can ensure that your research is thorough and comprehensive. To sum up, the most common types of sources are:

  • Scholarly publications (Journals)
  • Popular sources (News and Magazines)
  • Professional/Trade sources
  • Books / Book Chapters
  • Conference proceedings
  • Government Documents
  • Theses & Dissertations

Different types of research paper format

Research papers are written in a variety of formats, depending on the field and style guidelines. Writing a research paper can be a challenging task, but having the right format can make it much easier. The most common formats are MLA, APA, and Chicago. MLA (Modern Language Association) format is most commonly used in the humanities, such as English, literature, and art. It uses a simple format for citations that includes the author’s name, the title of the source, and the page number. It also requires double-spacing and a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.

APA (American Psychological Association) format is most commonly used in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It uses a more complex format for citations that includes the author’s name, the title of the source, the date of publication, and the page number. It also requires a Title Page, Abstract, and References page.

Chicago (also known as Turabian) format is most commonly used in the hard sciences, such as history and economics. It uses parenthetical citations with the author’s name, the title of the source, and the page number. It also requires footnotes and endnotes, as well as a bibliography at the end of the paper. Research paper formats can vary depending on the subject and the professor’s preferences. It is important to check with your professor to make sure you are using the correct format.

Different types of sources for a research paper

It’s obvious that the more credible sources you find, the more theoretical background to support your claims you will have. This is the reason why the aspect of having a variety of different types of sources for a research paper is so important. When you have valid data to support your assumptions, it will be much easier for you to prove that your theory is correct.

The most significant aspect to keep in mind in regards to a variety of sources is to have enough time to look through all the available materials. There will be cases when you think a certain resource, article or book is going to be useful. However, it becomes completely pointless once you start reading and analyzing it. Things like that happen, and it’s vital to remember that sometimes the source you’ve found won’t even be listed in your references list.

Yet, what is also necessary to remember is that the rule of having a variety of sources to choose from works perfectly in this respect. This way, you have enough options. What is more, you won’t have to desperately search for some credible resources at the last minute. Preparation is key when it comes to finding a credible theoretical background for your research paper.

Different types of research paper formats

As you have already understood, there are different types of research paper formats. The most commonly used ones are APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard. The format you are supposed to use depends on the type of the paper you are required to write and your professors’ instructions. Typically, students face difficulties with formatting which is the reason why knowing a few tips and tricks will come in handy.

To begin with, you can analyze samples of well-written papers to see how they are formatted. What is more, it’s useful to have a properly completed example paper in front of you to have something to adhere to while you are working on your task. Another great idea is to practice your formatting skills as often as possible. Later on, this process will become almost automatic.

Apart from that, there are various great tools available online with the help of which you’ll manage to format your paper in accordance with the required citation style. Besides, you’ll see how stress-free this process can be when you have such a tool at your disposal. Choose the one you find easy to use and you’ll get your paper formatted properly in just a couple of minutes.

Different types of instruments in research paper

Research instruments are tools used to collect and analyze data in research studies. These different types of instruments in research paper can range from physical devices to questionnaires and surveys. Physical devices, such as thermometers, are used to measure physical characteristics such as temperature. Questionnaires and surveys are used to collect information about people’s opinions and behavior. Other instruments used in research include observation, interviews, focus groups, and experiments. Observation is the process of making systematic observations of people or events and recording them in detail. Interviews involve asking people questions in order to gain information and insight. Focus groups involve gathering a small group of people together to discuss a particular topic. Experiments involve manipulating certain variables and then measuring the effects of those variables on the desired outcome. In conclusion, research instruments are essential tools in conducting research. The type of instrument used will depend on the research question being asked and the type of data being collected. Knowing which instrument to use and how to use it properly is key to obtaining accurate and reliable results.

Asim Boss

Muhammad Asim is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.

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