Object-Oriented Programming and Everything you need to know

Efficiency and conciseness are two key factors when it comes to programming. The code needs to be very efficient and full-proof for it to be executed in the world today. Everything needs to be so perfect in the corporate world we live in today. While programming can be a very easy subject to learn it can get daunting sometimes. Object-oriented programming has had its fair share of impact on the programming world and assures a faster and more efficient working environment among coders. It generally follows a bottom-up approach when it comes to programming. In this article, we would be discussing the basics and various stuff about Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object-oriented as the word suggests can be explained as something that leans interests over certain entities or objects or it has a certain programming pattern that tends to surround a certain entity or object. In OOP everything is considered an object or entity. According to computer terminology and definitions, it means that it molds software design around data instead of logic and functions as is done in DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms). Any attribute that showcases unique identities is termed an object.

It has been infamous among programmers because of the easy and accessible work pace it provides for programs that relatively take a lot of time and are complex in comparison to the small ones. The main reason programmers tend to prefer OOP is because of how easily it breaks down software development into these fragments of concepts that are used often.

Let’s discuss the various concepts that are often used when it comes to Object-oriented programming.

Concept of OOP

Typically there are 4 concepts to OOP or some might call them “The pillars of OOP”. Those 4 pillars are:

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

Let’s study each concept in brief.


The whole goal of abstraction is to hide the implementation process from the user accessing it but instead does the essential parts of the program Only the developer is allowed to easily make changes and add additional statements over time without any knowledge being passed to the user.

This hugely reduces the complexity of the program and makes no such hidden delicacies. It helps the programmer to simplify the process of maintenance and greatly increases efficiency and security as only the programmer can make any sort of necessary changes to the code.


A process that tends to help the programmer combine various data and functions in the code as an entity. This provides an additional level of security as it protects the data to be unbothered from any sort of outside intrusion and hence, helps it provide the program with greater security.

A great example of the encapsulation process can be classified.


This methodology helps us inherit and process data from a class that has a higher degree to a class with a lower degree. Similar to a parent node and a child node, inheritance helps the programmer to reuse the code in such a manner that inherits data from the “parent class” to a “new/child class”.


Polymorphism as the same name suggests means that many methods can be formed with the same name but different method signatures. This means that a single entity can further divide into more than 2 resultants and function with the same efficiency. It encourages programmers to be able to make resilient, readable, and great codes that are very efficient and concise.

Why should OOP be used?

OOP is an ever-developing concept for program development as it can manage to achieve all 3 of the main goals of software engineering which are the three goals that developers and programmers wish to achieve with any code that they write. Those 3 principle values are extensibility, flexibility, and reusability, and with the concepts that we have discussed above, it is very evident and through the help of OOP, it is easily achievable.

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Where is OOP used?

OOP is generally used for designing and manufacturing applications as it allows the program to be broken down into fragments that help one tackle each problem that is faced one by one. On the bonus side, reusability provides a great feature as it can be reusable without affecting other blocks of code.


And with that we wrap to how OOP is used and how resourceful it is when it comes to programming, hence, programmers tend to opt for OOP instead of DSA as the amount of accessibility and features it provides is incomparable to any other form.