What Expression is Equivalent to 28 19/100?
You may have to solve for a variable that’s a multiple of two. You can do this by dividing x by y, which will always give you the answer “3x + 9”. Another example is 3x + y = 2, which is equal to 3x plus y, but remains the same no matter what the value of y is. Similarly, 6x + y = 6x + y+ 12 – this is equivalent to sixx plus sixy.
6×2 + 6y + 2
You can find the inverse of any number by looking at its representation. For example, the number 6×2 + 6y + 2 = 28 19/100 is equivalent to 3x plus 9. This equation remains the same for any value of x. Similarly, 6×2 + 6y + 2 = 28 19/100 can be written as 6×2 + 6y + 12.