What is Genetic Engineering?

Genetic Engineering! It is a study of the genetics of an organism and how to manipulate it and yield a desired result. We have learned about the basics of any life form and that is genes, the way they develop, the way they combine with other genes, and the way it affects the outcome of the entire organism. Engineering if we were to be able to define it in the most simple form can be referred to as applying the concepts of science and mathematics to solve or innovate various problems that are faced in the real world.

It has been used all around the world in various industries and manufacturing processes for many years. These are used for several reasons and have been studied since 1973 and were brought to light by two Biochemists Herbert Boyen and Stanley Cohen who influenced the DNA of one bacteria into another.

In this article, we will be learning about how it is performed and what various uses it has been used for these many years.

Process of Genetic modification

Genetic modification is a term that is also used for genetic engineering. The simplest way to illustrate the process of genetic modification the DNA of an organism is implanted into the genome of another organism to be able to yield better results. Genetic engineering through these various means affects the development of an organism.

Types of Genetic Engineering

There are mainly 3 types of genetic engineering that are commonly taken into consideration.

  • Analytical Engineering: As the name suggests, they suggest the estimation or predict the result of the genetic model by simulating through computers and then experimenting with real life.
  • Chemical Genetic Engineering: This mostly focuses on the mapping of the genes, processes such as identifying, separating, and classifying genes, and then collecting adequate information to attain the usage of it in applied sciences. This identification in turn helps scientists to rule out and understand which genetic combination is responsible for various traits.
  • Applied Genetical Engineering: The most practical characters carry out the manipulation through organisms’ genetic engineering, modifying their phenotype to be able to execute the results that are desired.

Various uses of Genetic engineering

Genetic Engineering has various uses in multiple fields and can revolutionize the medical field by creating so many innovative ways to counter medicinal practices and diagnoses. Some of the uses of genetic engineering in the fields of medicine include:

  • Hybridomas
  • Xenotransplantation
  • Vaccinations
  • Modeling Genetic diseases
  • Recombinants of Protein production

Gene therapy holds a very key role in revolutionizing medical aids and can be used to treat genetic diseases via gene modification and editing.

Genetic engineering can yield greater results not just in the medical field but also in agricultural fields. By editing genes in plants, some can produce nutrients or better quality yield which under normal circumstances wouldn’t be possible. Gene editing can also make plants endure more rough circumstances and provide us with the harvest without the ideal environment that the plant would normally require to grow.

Genetic engineering can also help modify the natural characteristics of plants making them either grow faster or produce more than they usually do and so many more. The possibilities of achievements in a field that is affiliated with genes are numerous.

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However, even if we count everything in, there may be some disadvantages that are carried along with genetic engineering. Issues such as spreading invasive species while genetic modification can be very risk factors. Since genetic engineering can solve a lot of health-related issues which means that we would have a healthier population and hence, result in an uncontrollable growth of population which can very obviously create problems in the future or add to the problems that are already being faced today of which are unemployment, economic disparity, better medical services to tackle diseases and provide a huge amount of produces.

The risk of allergies is also a huge risk factor that cannot be neglected as gene editing would require genes to be transferred from one organism to another and can jeopardize our entire planet all at once. Hence, dealing with genetic engineering needs to be very carefully attained.


With technology, we as humans are racing forward to the knowledge that can no longer be denied to us and it is indeed fascinating how much more can be achieved through genetic engineering. Hope this article was helpful and imparted you with the required knowledge.